Monday, May 4, 2015

Parshat Vayeitzei

"Vayeitzei - And he went out," is the Torah portion's name,
Yaakov had to flee from his parent's home but didn't complain,
Yaakov went to Charan to marry and build a family,
Although, Lavan, his uncle was as tricky as can be.

When Yaakov arrived the Torah does tell,
The first thing Yaakov saw was sheep at the well,
He met his future wife Rachel,
Her name means "sheep" as well.

What was Yaakov's career you may ask,
Shepherding sheep for 20 years was his task,
Different types of sheep was his pay,
Lavan could change his mind any day.

Colored, striped, speckled, whatever Lavan did say,
All the new baby sheep were born that way,
What do sheep have to do with you and me?
Why was the Jewish nation born surrounded by a "sheep factory"?

To sheep the Jewish people are compared,
Unquestioning obedience, ביטול, is a quality that is shared,
The Hebrew word for sheep, צאן, does relate,
To יציאה, departure from our ego, which we can negate.

We have to go out of our comfort zone,
Hashem's will must be our own,
We need to put ourselves aside,
Help every Jew worldwide.

With this attitude, no task is too great,
With G-dliness the world we will illuminate!
The quality of sheep is our foundation,
Yaakov, paved the way for the Jewish nation!

Souvenir: sheep

1 comment:

  1. This poem was inspired by
    by Yanki Tauber
    Courtesy of
