Thursday, May 7, 2015

Parshat Mikeitz

In this week's Torah portion, Pharaoh does dream,
Why is Yosef the only one to know what they mean?
When there is lots of food, fat cows you'll see,
When cows are lean a famine there could be.

During a plentiful harvest you'll have fat grain,
When the grain is lean, food is hard to obtain.
Do you have to be a rocket scientist to figure this out?
What is the big deal all about?

Pharaoh's advisors did think of this interpretation,
Because of a detail they didn't give this explanation,
In the dream when the 7 lean cows did appear,
Next to the 7 fat cows they stood near.

At one time, how can there be plenty and hunger,
Fat cows or lean cows, one or the other,
The dream experts didn't understand,
That times of plenty and famine go hand in hand.

Yosef's brilliance was displayed,
The solution to the famine the dream contained,
The years of plenty and famine, don't separate,
Store strength during the "plenty" times that are great.

So that if you ever have a "famine" day,
To Hashem you can turn right away,
The good times and the bad times we will always remember,
Our past, present and future are connected together.

Souvenir: cow

1 comment:

  1. This poem was inspired by
    "Joseph's Wisdom"
    by Rabbi Yosef Y. Jacobson
