Monday, May 11, 2015

Parshat Shemot

At the Nile River, Pharoah's daughter could be found,
Cleansing herself from the idol worship all around,
Suddenly she saw a basket floating by,
She heard a baby's cry.

The basket was too far away,
But she stretched out her arm anyway,
Why did Princess Batya bother trying?
The basket was too far, there was no denying.

Although it seemed impossible, Batya knew,
That when we are faced with a task to do,
We need to try our very best,
And let Hashem take care of the rest!

Hashem made a miracle for all to see,
Batya's arm stretched miraculously,
Baby Moshe she did save,
For us, the path she did pave.

To take in a Jewish baby was risky indeed,
All Jewish baby boys were to be drowned her father decreed,
Her bravery and kindness did show,
To do the same for others this little baby would grow.

Moshe was named Tuvia by his father and mother,
But Batya named him Moshe because she drew him out of the water,
The name Moshe fit his personality perfectly,
Because when he grew up he drew his brothers out of slavery.

Souvenir: sticky stretchy hand

1 comment:

  1. This poem was inspired by
    "Doing the Impossible"
    By Chana Weisberg
    and by
    "The Origins of Moses' Name"
    By Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson
