Monday, May 18, 2015

Parshat Terumah

Women were given a special role,
To create a warm home is their goal,
It's a task that isn't always easy,
Especially when they have a lively family.

Toys are on the floor,
There is someone at the door,
The laundry pile is getting higher,
But to dwell in every Jewish home is Hashem's desire.

"Build for Me a Sanctuary and I will dwell within them."
How can we make a comfortable home for Hashem?
The vessels in the Tabernacle will give us a clue,
About some of the things that we can do.

The Ten Commandments the Aron/Ark did contain,
Torah knowledge we need to obtain,
We must learn Torah and live it too,
And share it with another Jew.

The Shulchan/ Table had 12 loaves of bread for all to see,
Hospitality is the next key,
To feed another Jew is our responsibility,
Wether it be physically or spiritually.

The Menorah was a beautiful sight,
Every Mitzvah is like a candle giving light,
Shining in the night,
Making the world bright!

On the Mizbeiach/Altar, sacrifices the Jews did bring,
To connect with Hashem today, prayers we sing,
When we pray, the holy city of Jerusalem we face,
Because the Beit Hamikdash was such a holy place.

When every member of every family,
Does their best to make their home into a Sanctuary,
We will merit the coming of Moshiach speedily,
When the third magnificent Beit Hamikdash will be a reality!

Souvenir: house eraser

1 comment:

  1. This poem was inspired by
    "The Temple at Home"
    by Tali Loewenthal
    and by
    "The Temple of Our Home"
    by Rabbi Lazer Gurkow
