Thursday, May 28, 2015

Parshat Vayikra 2

"A person who will sacrifice from YOU..,"
Bring your personal animal too,
I need to take an animal that is mine,
And use it for a purpose that is divine.

My personal animal I can not touch,
But it matters very much,
It is responsible for the passion that I feel,
And the pleasures that seem real.

Every day there are choices to make,
Which path will I take,
Will I serve my animal soul,
Or is serving Hashem my goal?

My animal soul has a lot of nerve,
Every physical pleasure it feels it does deserve,
Its power we need to curve,
With our animal soul, Hashem we will serve.

We will use the energy from our food, for Torah to learn,
We will give Tzedakah from the money we earn,
This is how our animal soul we will turn,
On our spiritual alter, it too will burn.

When I take food or money which my animal soul does desire,
And I use it for something higher,
I draw my animal soul near,
To Hashem my sacrifice is dear.

To turn physical into spiritual is our aim,
A relationship with Hashem we will gain,
When the spiritual is revealed,
To a sacrifice it is compared.

The outer physical layers we uncover,
The G-dliness within we discover,
My animal soul's excitement and fun,
Is to show that Hashem is one.

Souvenir: sandwich eraser

1 comment:

  1. This poem was inspired by
    "The Offered Beast"
    by Yanki Tauber
    Courtesy of
