Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Parshat Vayeira

Avraham had lots of troubles,
But he passed ten tests with flying colors,
What was unique about the tenth test,
That would prove the greatness of all the rest?

For sacrifice, Judaism doesn't have a monopoly,
People have given up their lives throughout history,
But when sacrificing for a great cause, there is something to gain,
A hero the person will forever remain.

In the past, challenges Avraham faced,
But he knew that he made the world a better place,
This test was different because no one could claim,
That there was something in it for Avraham to gain.

Hashem made a promise to Avraham,
From Yitzchok, the Jewish people would come,
Yet, Hashem asked him to bring up his son,
Witnesses and news reporters, there would be none!

Avraham's life was dedicated to spreading G-dliness everywhere,
His life investment would end, if he sacrificed his son so dear,
There would be no point made and no change in history,
No heroic story published and no grand finale.

The tenth test was the ultimate sacrifice,
To give up his identity for Hashem, he didn't think twice,
To serve Hashem was Avraham's aim,
He wasn't looking for any fame.

To do Mitzvot, we have the power,
If no one sees it doesn't matter,
Hashem appreciates the sacrifices we make,
We do all the Mitzvot, only for Hashem's sake!

Souvenir: mask

1 comment:

  1. This poem was inspired by my dear mother, Mrs. Rivka Feldman,
    who taught this teaching at a Tea and Torah class in Toms River.
    Source: Likkutei Sichot, volume 20, pages 73-78.
    It was also inspired by
    "When Abraham Proved His Mettle"
    by Rochel Holtzkenner
    and by
    "Why Abraham Isn't ISIS"
    by Chony Milecki and Benny Friedman
    from Chabad.org
