Sunday, April 26, 2015

Parshat Noach

To build an ark was a job for a construction crew,
For 120 years this is what Hashem wanted Noach to do,
When the people would see the ark they would ask,
What are you building, it is a hard task.

Why does it say "Build for you,"
Noach wasn't building a personal canoe,
The ark was for his family and lots of animals too,
"Build YOUR character," is what Hashem was instructing him to do.

Hashem didn't just want Noach to survive,
He wanted Noach to have a strong passion and drive,
He wanted Noach to influence the people all around,
To leave their evil ways and not have to be drowned.

Noach was righteous in his days,
He followed in Hashem's ways,
He did everything he was told,
But to save the world, he wasn't so bold.

To a raging flood our world does compare,
The stormy waters are everywhere,
Struggles and challenges fill our days,
Only the ark rides above the crashing waves.

Hashem gives us an invitation, when the world seems so dark,
"Come to the Teivah," which is the Hebrew word for ark,
In Hebrew "Teivah," has a second meaning,
It means words of prayer and Torah that are said with feeling.

To save ourselves from the flood there is a way,
By immersing ourself in the words of prayer and Torah every day,
These holy words give us passion, strength and might,
To transform the darkness into light!

Hashem is counting on me and you,
We have a mission to do,
When we pray and study Torah for even an hour,
To save the world we have the power!

Souvenir: wooden Torah and prayer book


  1. This poem was inspired by
    "Do It Yourself Ark-Building"
    By Rabbi Mendel Kaplan
    and by
    "How to Waterproof Your Life"
    By Mrs. Chana Weisberg

  2. Beautifully written !
    Thank you for your poetic inspirations on the Parsha.
