Friday, August 21, 2015

Parshat Shoftim

When you fight your enemies,
Don't cut down any fruit trees,
Because to a tree of the field, man does compare,
In Parshat Shoftim, the Torah makes this clear.

Just like the roots of a tree are hidden underground,
At our core, our faith can always be found,
Trees need to always be connected to the soil to grow,
When we do a Mitzvah our attachment to Hashem we show.

From the roots stem the trunk of understanding,
Which branches out into feelings and deeds that are always expanding,
Producing delicious fruit is the ultimate goal,
To influence others and plant a seed in their soul.

Earth, water, sun and air are elements four,
They help the tree grow more and more,
There is a lesson for us to explore,
About how to educate our children and grow stronger than before.

From the earth the tree gets it's nutrients,
Representing nurture, values and guidance,
Nourishment, parents and teachers can shower,
Their children and students they can empower.

Water keeps plants and trees alive,
Without the Torah we can't survive,
A tree needs light and warmth radiated by the sun,
Children need to see that Judaism is full of beauty, love and fun!

Air represents our environment and atmosphere,
We have to be careful with what we see and hear,
So take a moment and gaze at a tree,
It is a reflection of you and me.

Souvenir: toy tree

1 comment:

  1. This poem was inspired by
    "The Human Tree"
    by Rabbi Yosef Y. Jacobson
    and by
    "Your Child, Your Tree"
    by Rabbi Eliezer Shemtov
